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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

MONAS ( National Monument )

The Monumen Nasional or Tugu Monas is one of the National Monument tower in Jakarta.

The Monumen Nasional was built in dibangun di a landmass of 80 hectare. The architect of this tugu are Mr. Soedarsono and Mr. Frederich Silaban, with Mr.Ir. Rooseno as consultant. Constructoin began in August 1959, and on August 17th 1961 Mr.Ir.Soekarno, The President of Indonesian Republic was inaugurate this tugu.
Monas was opened ceremonially for common people on July 12nd, 1975.

The aim of this construction is for keep in mind and continuing Indonesian nation hassle in revolution of independence period 1945, in order that to inspiring and bracing up patriotism the rising generation of Indonesia, now and future.

The shape of this monument is very unique. The tall of an obelix from marble that lingga yoni-shaped as symbolizing of prosperity is 132 meter.
From the top, 17 m to the top, there is a flame, made of bronze seberat 14.5 tons, which is plated in 35 kg (1,125 troy ounces) of goldand have diameter 6 m, consists of 77 sections that are combined.

High of the cup from base 17 m and the space of museum is 8 m. Size of the square-shaped, measuring 45x45 m, is the preservation of sacred figures Independence Proclamation RI ( 17 - 8 - 1945 ). Visitors can ascend to the top with the Elevator.
Monas area visitors, who will ascend the peak of the Monas monument or museum, can be through the entrance plaza around Medan Merdeka park, on the north Monument Park.Monuments and the museum is open every day, starting at 09.00 - 16.00 WIB.

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