Your guide in Indonesia for spectacular travel, shopping, culinary, entertainment offer and to know much more about the myth, culture and heritage of Indonesia

This is a Map of Lovely Country :

Map Of Indonesia by goes to indonesia

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Proclamation Monument ( Tugu Proklamasi )

Proclamation Monument was build on Jl. Proclamation ( was called Jl. Pegangsaan No East. 56 Central Jakarta ).
Before this place was built a monument, in this place was the President and Vice President of RI's first Ir. Soekarno and Drs. Moh. Hatta proclaim independence Republic of Indonesia.
So this monument was build as a lightning proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

This place are usually use for a special Independence Day commemoration ceremony RI each year, in the other time, this location is a gathering place of choice for the demonstrators to express their opinions.

In the evening this place is often visited by the people who live not far from this area with different activity.
This place is a favorite place of children playing, sports areA, a place to gather and meet, or just spend the afternoon until dusk came.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Dunia Fantasi is divided into several regions with distinctive themes and characteristics of each region.
The division of this area is intended to inspire imagination visitors, where they expected to feel the sensation walking around in antiquity Jakarta, Europe, United States, Indonesia, Asia and the entertainment area.

In addition to the game attraction, this area also has a number of restaurants and gift shop store.

1. Main Gate
2. Information Center
3. City Hall
4. Turangga - Rangga / Merry Go Round
It is characteristic of a game park in the Jakarta area. This game is a carousel.
5. Marunda Stage
6. Lounge Club Dufan
7. Exit

1. Balada Kera / Monkey Theatre

It is a stage to present the music of operetta karikatural by 23 dolls animatronik, shaped gorilla and chimpanzee. all of is driven by Indonesian technology.
2. Ubangga - bangga / Bumper Car
3. Safari / Fairground Games

1. Lorong Sesat / Rrumah Jahil / Mirror Maze

In italics Rango Rango, building country-style wooden house, visitors will enjoy the experience strange, as though losing gravity orientation.
2. Niagara - gara / Flume ride
Niagara - gara train sliding is boat-shaped blocks of wood that slide adventure following the flow of water. Then up at 30 meters and go as if the splash waterfalls and rivers in the United States.
3. Rango - Rango / Tilting House
4. Poci Poci / Tea Cup
5. Shooting Gallery

Shoot sharpshooter area will take visitors to the Wild West, where the stunt will be tested with a gun shoot at 100 targets animatronik dolls.
6. Tornado
it can raise yur adrenallin

1. Alap-Alap / Mini Roller Coaster
2. Ballon Race
3. Jungkang - Jungking / Children's Playground
4. Kunang Kunang / Red Baron
5. Undur Undur / Kiddies Bumper Car
6. Ondel - ondel / Puppet Show

1. Beng - Beng / Fairground Games
2. Kicir - Kicir / Power Surge
A big wheels that will play all the way to the passenger
3. Maxima Stage / Open Air Stage
Maxima is a stage performance where the musicians are usually, well known choreographer and performer in this country do his work.

1. Baku Toki / Bumpers Car
2. Bianglala / Giant Ferris Wheel

Bianglala is the spool up to 33 meters. This is one of the highest buildings in the Dunia Fantasi, when we are at the top of the reel, we can see the sea horizon and all buildings in the Dunia Fantasi. Bianglala built with the architecture and ornaments typical color sense of Thailand.
3. Gajah Bledug / Flying Elephant
4. Kora - Kora / Boat Swing
Kora - kora is a large boat-shaped rock that is almost 90 degrees. Sensation given to the vehicle this is horror at the time and altitude was in the top and at its going down swinging

1. Arung Jeram / River Raft Ride
2. Burung Tempur / Pterodactyl Fighting Bird
3. Halilintar / Loop The Loop Corkscrew Coaster

Halilintar operating since 1987. In one series there are 6 train carriage, in which one car load two rows and two columns seat. Total capacity in a series of train is 24 passengers.
4. Hikayat Game / Game Hikayat
5. Ombang - Ombang / Trabant Ride
6. Ontang - Anting / Flying Chair
7. Perang Bintang / Star War
Star War is vehicle that built with the background environment of the future. Visitors will be prepared as if the outer space are in a vehicle with such plates aircraft equipped with laser weapons.
8. Pontang - Panting / Scramble Ride
9. Rajawali / The Flying Condor
10.Teater Simulator / Simulator Theatre
11.Rama Shinta Hall

This region is the main attraction of the whole region Dufan. This location is the place game that most of the stir speed, up and down, sharp curve, rotating the gather into one.

1. Puppet Castle
This palace was designed with the feel of a combination of 10 Indonesian-style architecture building, which distilir to be building a new, colorful, and so gave the impression and the unique splendor. In it, while boating, pegunjung invited to explore and experience a variety of ethnic cultures throughout the archipelago and many of the nation, accompanied folk song that impressive. There are approximately 600 dolls animatronik. This vehicle is a closed building equipped with air conditioning.






Monday - FridayRp. 90.000,-Rp. 12.000,-Rp. 102.000,-
Saturday, Sunday & HolidayRp. 120.000,-Rp. 12.000,-Rp. 132.000,-

Note :
Open everyday, from Monday to Sunday, including National Holidays
at 11.00 AM - 08.00 PM
The price of ticket --> update Februari 2009
PGU = Pintu Gerbang Utama

Website :
Jln. Lodan Timur No. 7 Jakarta 14430
Phone. +62 - 21 - 6471 - 2000
Fax. +62 - 21 - 640 - 3246


Collection of Safari Park 2The location Taman Safari Indonesia II Prigen, Pasuruan- East Java is in the highway between Surabaya and Malang, East Java. It is just 50 Km drive from Juanda International Airport Surabaya or only 1,5 hours by vehicle. While from Malang, it is 45 Km or 1 hour by car.
If using public transportation / bus from Surabaya or Malang, stop at Giant Ivory Gate Sukorejo, then continue by Ojek ( hired motorcycle ) to reach Taman Safari Indonesia II in 10 minutes.





Five year & UnderRp. 35.000,-Rp. 70.000,-
Six year & OlderRp. 40.000,-Rp. 70.000,-
CarRp. 10.000,-Rp. 10.000,-
BusRp. 20.000,-Rp. 20.000,-
MotorcycleRp. 5.000,-Rp. 5.000,-

Elephant  RidesThere are some animals that can be ride, like Elephant, Camel, Pony Horse and Llama.
All of this Animal Rides was only Rp 10.000,- for each person.

The Schedules of Free Animal Presentation



Elephant Presentation10.30 AM & 02.30 PM
Expedition VoyageComing Soon
Wildlife Presentation11.00 AM & 03.00 PM
Birds of Prey Presentation01.00 PM & 03.30 PM
Tiger and Lion Kingdom :
Stop Illegal Poaching02.00 PM
Sumatran Tiger Kingdom04.00 PM

Amusement of Safari Park 2
There a lot of entertainment facilities that can makes you happy with your family and friends.

The amusement such as Ghost House,Feather Worm, Bom Bom Boat, Roller Coaster, Giant Cup, Flying Chair, Flying Elephant, Speed Way, Go Kart, Rio Bravo, Safari Swinger, Pump Car, Flying Train, Indian Kayak, Paratrooper,Safari Jeep, Ball Bath, Mandi Bola El Paso, Antique Car, Flying Horse, Kuda Layang, Octopus, Bumper Car, Flying Bicycle, Kukuruyuuk Car.

All of this Amusement is only Rp 10.000,- for each person, or you can buy
All You Can Play Ticket” with Rp 35.000,- for each person.

Facilities for Gathering,
Available Stage, Fields, Restaurant, Cafe, Gazeboo, Meal Box, Buffet Menu.
Please confirm with the customer service about this, if you want to hold events that involve many people or group of.

Safari Park 2
Website :
Prigen, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur
Indonesia 67157
Phone. + 62 - 343 773 - 5000
Fax. + 62 - 343 - 775 - 0555

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Taman Mini Indonesia IndahA LITTLE BIT OF TMII,
The construction of TMII began in 1971 and it was official inaugurated on April 20, 1975. It started with idea and initiative of Ibu Tien Soeharto ( + ) who really love her country and want the culture of Indonesia everlasting.

TMII is a park that provides variety culture of Indonesia in one package to be ‘Indonesia Mini’.
If you haven’t chance to take a tour to any province in Indonesia, you can here, visit to ‘Indonesia Mini’, you can visit ‘Indonesia’ from Sabang until Merauke at a glance.
You know why ?
Cos TMII has a cultural tourism object with the existing facilities such as the 26 Regional Pavilions and you can see The Indonesian Archipelago from the sky by Sky Lift.

TMII by goes to indonesiaTMII also has an other atrattive places, such as Museums, Flora and Fauna Parks, Monuments, interesting Recreation Places, Kind of many building for gathering, wedding, etc, also Prayer Places for 5 religion in Indonesia n 1 for theism and spriritualism.

Map of TMII by goes to indonesia

There are so many museums, such as :

  • Indonesian Museum ( Museum Indonesia )
  • Soldiery Museum ( Museum Prajurit )
  • Stamps Museum ( Museum Perangko )
  • Heirloom Museum ( Museum Pusaka )
  • Trasportation Museum ( Museum Transportasi )
  • Electric and New Energy Museum ( Museum Listrik dan Energi Baru )
  • Information Museum ( Museum Informasi )
  • Sport Museum ( Museum Olah Raga )
  • Asmat Museum ( Museum Asmat )
  • Komodo Museum ( Museum Komodo )
  • Insectarium Museum ( Museum Seranggga )
  • Science and Technology Display Center
  • Petrolium and Gas Museum ( Museum Gas dan Minyak Bumi )

There are so many parks, such as :

  • Orchid Park ( Taman Anggrek )
  • Life Apotek Park ( Taman Apotik Hidup )
  • Cokot Park ( Taman Cokot )
  • Cactus Park ( Taman Kaktus )
  • Jasmine Park ( Taman Melati )
  • Keong Emas Flower Park ( Taman Bunga Keong Emas )
  • Fresh Water Aquarium Park ( Taman Aquarium Air Tawar )
  • Bekisar Park ( Taman Bekisar )
  • Bird Park ( Taman Burung )
  • Prasasti APEC Park ( Taman Prasasti APEC )
There are so many monument, such as :

  • Pancasila Fire Monument ( Tugu Api Pancasila )
  • Baluwerti Relief Perjuangan Bangsa
  • Flower Clock
  • Borobudur Temple Miniature
  • Sasana Kriya
  • Sanggar Krida
  • Friendship Monument
  • Wood Display
So many recreation places here, like :

  • Indonesian Children Castile ( Istana Anak - anak Indonesia )
  • Swan Boat of Indonesia ( Perahu Angsa Arsipel Indonesia )
  • Among Putro Park ( Taman Among Putro )
  • Taman Ria Atmaja
  • Ambar Tirta Swimming Pool Park ( Taman Renang Ambar Tirta )
  • Keong Emas Imax Theatre
  • Wisata Village
  • Titihan Samirono / Aeromovel
  • Sky Lift Indonesia ( Kereta Gantung )
  • Tanah Airku Theatre
  • North Parking Stage
Despite being a happy, you should also not forget to pray when arrived. You can pray in the place of worship that has been provided, in accordance with your religion.

  • Santa Chatarina Catholic Curch for Catholic
  • Pangeran Diponegoro Mousque for Mosleem
  • Haleluya Christians Church for Christians
  • Pura Penataran Agung Kertha Bumi for Hindu
  • Wihara Arya Dwipa Arama for Buddhist
  • Sasana Adirasa Pang. Samber Nyawa for theism and spriritualism
The bulk of the facilities at TMII is made up of the regional pavilions. With more than twenty six pavilions to walk through, representative of the architecture of each province of Indonesia, the visitor is provided a very unique opportunity to view the breadth and scale of the full range of regional architecture.
Each pavilion presents at least three typical examples of the regional style it represents.

Don`t have the time or the fortitude to venture to distant or out-ot-the-way locations?
No need. Visit every pavilion and you will come away with a very clear impression of the diversity and richness of Indonesian architectural and living styles.

To point out just a view, there is the `Bogonjong` house of the Ranah Minang from West Sumatra, a `Lamin` of the Dayak people from deep in the interior of East Kalimantan, a `Tongkongan` from Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi, a traditional Batak `Bolon` house from North Sumatra, a `Joglo` house from Central Java.




Entrance3 Years old and upRp.9.000,-
Bus / TruckRp.15.000,-
Indonesian Children CastileEntranceRp.4.000,-
Rabbit TrainRp.3.500,-
Bath BallRp.2.500,-
Swimming PoolRp.3.500,-
Telephone TellerRp.3.000,-
Swan Boat of IndonesiaBoatRp.6.500,-
Water BikeRp.5.000,-
Water BikeRp.5.000,-
Keong Emas Imax TheatreRegulerRp.30.000,-
Wisata VillageLodging for Student /dayRp.10.000,-
Regular Lodging /dayRp.15.000,-
Special Lodging for 2 people /day Rp.55.000,-
Special Lodging for 4 people /day Rp.75.000,-
Family Lodging Full AC /dayRp.250.000,-
Transportation of TMIIMini TrainRp.5.000,-
Rent a Small Car Around /hourRp.30.000,-
Rent a Big Car / Bus Around / hourRp.75.000,-
Titihan Ssamirono / AeromovelAverageRp.8.500,-
Indonesian Sky LiftTerminal A - B - CRp.20.000,-
Terminal C - B - ARp.20.000,-
Terminal C - B - CRp.20.000,-
Orchid ParkAverageRp.2.000,-
Life Apotek ParkAverageRp.1.000,-
Cactus ParkAverageRp.1.000,-
Keong Emas Flower ParkAverageRp.4.000,-
Fresh Water Aquarium ParkAverageRp.10.000,-
Bekisar ParkAverageRp.1.000,-
Bird ParkAverageRp.7.000,-
Indonesian MuseumAverageRp.3.500,-
Soldiery MuseumAverageRp.1.500,-
Stamps MuseumAverageRp.2.000,-
Heirloom MuseumAverageRp.2.000,-
Transportation MuseumAverageRp.2.000,-
Electric and New Energy MuseumAverageRp.2.000,-
Telecomunication MuseumAverageRp.2.000,-
Information MuseumAverageRp.2.000,-
Sport MuseumAverageRp.2.000,-
Asmat MuseumAverageRp.4.000,-
Bayt Al-Qur'an dan Museum IstiqlalChildrenRp.1.000,-

Website :
Open daily, Monday to Sunday, 08.00 AM - 05.00 PM
Phone.021-8409214, 8409210, 8409270, 8409236, 8409239
Fax. 8400709


Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua BogorThe location Taman Safari Indonesia is in the highway between Jakarta and Bandung West Java. It is just 80 km drive from Soekarno – Hatta International Airport Jakarta or only 1.5 – 2 hours by vehicle.
While from Bandung, it is 78 km or 3 hours by car. If using a public transportation / bus from Jakarta or Bandung, stop at Cisarua / Safari T - Intersection then continue by Ojek ( hired motorcyle ) or Angkot ( local public transportation ) to reach Taman Safari Indonesia in 10 minutes.

Taman Safari Indonesia Map by goes to indonesia
Map of Indonesia Safari Park

So many interesting attractions and activities by animals in Safari Parks, among others, visitors can follow Safari Night, Safari Trek ( Jungle Walks ), and watch the Animal Education Show.

Six years & Older

Rp. 50.000

Rp. 70.000

Five years & Under

Rp. 40.000

Rp. 60.000


Rp. 15.000

Rp. 15.000


Rp. 5.000

Rp. 5.000


Rp. 20.000

Rp. 20.000

Night Safari,
is go around the safari park by bus at night, of course you will feel a different experience when compared around noon.
Night Safari only held every Saturday Night at 06.30 PM – 09.00 PM.


Six years & Older

Rp. 60.000

Rp. 70.000

Five years & Under

Rp. 50.000

Rp. 60.000

All Vehicles

Rp. 10.000

Rp. 10.000

Safari Trek ( Jungle Walks ),
This is one of the interesting activities at Taman Safari Indonesia.
We challenge you to walk trough safari jungle on the narrow trail.
You can enjoy pleasant view at a foot of Gede-Pangrango.

Safari Trek has two routes.
One is called Kancil Route. It is 3 km way long. Kancil route finish at the Macan Tutul Camping Resort.
The other is 8 km way long, called Macan Tutul Route. The Macan Tutul Route finish at the Caravan Camping Ground.

While you are walking, you also can meet many kinds of animals, such as elephants, camels, birds, butterflies, snakes, storks and also many kinds of flora.
You can touch an elephant and take a picture.

Safari Trek is open from 08.00 to 11.00 AM, only on Saturday, Sunday, and National Holidays.
Safari Trek Tickets Rp. 20,000.- / Person, Minimum 10 persons / group.
Reservation necessary.

The Animal Education Show,
only at Safari Park, you can see the attraction of the animals education show that are very clever and skilled, like elephants, lions, tigers, sea lions, birds, etc.






11.00 AM

04.30 PM

Various Animals

11.30 AM

03.15 PM

Balairiung ( Acrobatic & Magic Shows )

01.30 PM

03.45 PM

Lions & Tigers

01.00 PM

02.30 PM

Sea Lions

01.30 PM

03.45 PM

Birds of Pray

weekday at once

03.00 PM

weekend at twice

01.50 PM and 04.05 PM

Cowboy Shows

weekday at once

02.00 PM

weekend at twice

01.00 PM and 03.15 PM

On Saturday, Sunday, and National Holidays at the Balairiung Safari you can see Magic Shows, Dances, Acrobatic, Clowns and much more, all free.

There are also available facilities for playing and gathering, like Amusement and Rides, Hotel & Caravan, Cafe, Food Court, Restaurant, Canteen.

Kinds of Amusement and Rides :
Sky Lift, Merry Go Round, Giant Wheel, Bom Bom Car, Go - Cart, Lolly Swing, Flume Ride, Pony Rides, Foamball, Flying Bikes, Swimming Pool, Ghost House, Water Canoe, Jet Coaster, Crazy Plane, Space Shuttle, Camel Rides, Spinboat, Pony Rodeo, Jet Boat, Mini Jet, Kiddy Rides, Matter Horn, Speedway, Elephant Rides, Photo with Animal, Climbing Car.
The price of every ticket is Rp. 10.000,-/ticket/person, except the ticket for Sky Lift is Rp. 30.000 /ticket/person.

Wanna be enjoy your holiday at Safari Park ?
Maybe You can visit their website for more information, Taman Safari Indonesia

Jl. Raya Puncak No.601 Cisarua, Bogor, West Java 16750 Indonesia
Phone. +62-251-250 000
Fax. +62-251-250 555

Open time : Open daily 09.00 AM to 05.00 PM